Leoni Robens

Children Stories Romance Fantasy


Leoni Robens

Children Stories Romance Fantasy



2 mins



This is a sad tale of woe of Princess Sweetling of Nectar and Prince Bitterling of Hearthrob.

Beautiful Princess Sweetling of Nectar was as sweet as honey. Prince Bitterling of Hearthrob tried every trick in the game of love to woo her over. Finally he did succeed in wooing the beautiful Princess Sweetling and asked her hand in marriage.

Though Princess Sweetling had hoardes of suitors, she refused them all just to marry Prince Bitterling of Hearthrob.

Nevertheless Prince Bitterling was an ignoramus and never did realise the matchless pair they made and the priceless love Princess Sweetling offered him.

Soon Prince Bitterling of Hearthrob got lured under the evil spell of the enticing Princess Sourling of Bristles, who camouflaged her true self from Prince Bitterling. She was far too envious of the Princess Sweetling and wanted to destroy their love match.

However, one day Princess Sweetling of Nectar learnt of Prince Bitterling’s secret love affair with Princess Sourling of Bristles and was broken hearted.

Nevertheless, she tried to bring Prince Bitterling back to her by singing to him a sweet love sonnet,

“Prince Bitterling of Hearthrob,

Do not turn a cold shoulder,

To your darling Princess Sweetling,

I pray,

For we were meant to live in harmony,

Like milk and honey”

Meanwhile the alluring Princess Sourling of Bristles happily sang this song to herself,

“Flurry, Fluster, Flutter

I shall use all my secret wiles,

To get my heart’s desire,

And all I desire,

Is to destroy Princess Sweetling’s

Sweet dreams,

And make Prince Bitterling mine forever

Flurry, Fluster, Flutter”

As the days passed by Princess Sourling’s charms over Prince Bitterling waxed and poor Princess Sweetling’s power over the prince waned.

When he kissed Princess Sweetling of Nectar, on her lips, she cried so much that she tasted like salt indeed! But when he kissed Princess Sourling of Bristles she laughed so much and her sour cheeks tasted like honey.

Alas! Princess Sweetling could bear the heartache no more and soon ceased to exist.

Now Prince Bitterling of Hearthrob had to live forever with Princess Sourling of Bristles. To his dismay, she showed her true colours being no longer the enticing maiden she portrayed herself to be. She was hard hearted, pert, stern, flippant and rude as could be.

Alas! This made Prince Bitterling’s heart bleed for his dear Princess Sweetling. It was too late, for now he realised that his true lady love was his darling Princess Sweetling of Nectar who was no more.

A sweet carrot, a bitter gourd and a sour lemon~~~~ Well that sums up the sad story of Princess Sweetling of Nectar, Prince Bitterling of Hearthrob and Princess Sourling of Bristles!

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